ࡱ> 2417 bjbjUU "7|7|l~~~~  (t4F H H H H H H $} ~l l  .F F F F  d7n~.F F 0 F  `F Standard Operating Procedures Location:________________________ P.I.______________________ Date:__________ Section 1. Hazardous Chemical- Acrylamide Section 2. Describe Hazardous Chemical- Use of Acrylamide in powder/dry form for making electrophoreses gels Section 3. Potential Hazards- Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through skin. Causes irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Thermally unstable, may polymerize explosively if heated to the melting point. May cause cancer. Risk of cancer depends on level and duration of exposure. May cause birth defects, based on animal data. Section 4. Personal Protective Equipment- When working with acrylamide use chemical safety glasses and butyl, viton or nitrile gloves. Use chemical safety goggles and/or a full face shield where dusting or splashing of solutions is possible. Must have proper exhaust ventilation in room or use a fume hood. Section 5. Engineering Controls- When possible, dispense chemical under a fume hood. The room where the chemical is being used should be equipped with proper exhaust ventilation to keep the airborne concentration below the allowable exposure limit. Eye wash station and a safety shower must be accessible within a 10 second travel time and not require passage through more than one door. Section 6. Special Handling and Storage Requirements- Keep in a tightly closed container. Store in a cool, dry, ventilated area away from heat or ignition sources, with other compatible substances. Keep away from reactives, oxidizers, peroxides, acids, alkalies and combustibles and out of direct sunlight. Containers of this product are hazardous when empty until neutralized. Follow instructions in section 8 for decontamination. Section 7. Spill and Accident Procedures- Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Get medical attention immediately. Ingestion: INDUCE VOMITING immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately. Poison Control number: 1-800-222-1222 Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with copious amounts of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing any contaminated clothing. Get medical attention immediately. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Small liquid Spills (One Liter or less): Absorb with sand or other non-combustible absorbent materials and place into containers for disposal. Neutralize with a solution of 1.6% potassium persulfate. Wipe up solution and collect absorbent, then wipe area with 1.6 % sodium metabisulfite. Wipe up solution and collect absorbent. Let stand for 30 minutes, and then wash with plenty of water. Small Dry Spills: Scrape material into clean, dry containers, cover and label. Treat site with 1.6% potassium persulfate. Wipe up solution and collect absorbent, then wipe area with 1.6 % sodium metabisulfite. Wipe up solution and collect absorbent. Let stand for 30 minutes, and then wash with plenty of water. Large Spills: Notify those affected by the spill and turn off all ignition sources. Evacuate the area and call Environmental Health and Safety at 297-3129 or campus police at 297-3500. Restrict people from entering the affected area until cleanup is completed. Section 8. Decontamination Procedures- To decontaminate, wipe areas with a solution of 1.6% potassium persulfate, then with 1.6 % sodium metabisulfite. Let stand for 30 minutes, and then wash with plenty of water Section 9. Waste Disposal Procedures- Place waste in an appropriate and compatible container. Container must be closed and labeled with the words Hazardous Waste and the main constituents of the waste. Place waste in waste collection area and call EH&S at 297-3129. Section 10. Material Safety Data Sheets Locations- Material Safety Data Sheets are kept in a binder labeled MSDS in room___, or may be found on the web at either  HYPERLINK "http://www.siri.org" www.siri.org or  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/ehs" www.fau.edu/ehs. Section 11. Principal Investigator/ Lab Manager Approval: Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ my&fr' 1 3 ]    = K M Z EFGVP[v&01K5Ag  123BCFRjU0JjU jUCJOJQJ^JaJ6]>*5\Glmef& '   L M   FGGOP%&45EF 1h/ =!"#$%DyK  www.siri.orgyK *http://www.siri.org/DyK www.fau.edu/ehsyK .http://www.fau.edu/ehs i8@8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@< Default Paragraph Font(>@( Title$a$CJ.U@. Hyperlink >*B*ph>V@> FollowedHyperlink >*B* ph:'@!: Comment ReferenceCJaJ424 Comment TextCJaJlmef&'LM  F G O P %&45EF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 G   2BXX _Hlt15278793 _Hlt15278794 _Hlt15278809 _Hlt15278810 _Hlt15278801 _Hlt15278802==>>@@@@@@>>?? C CMOZZ|~$K H r x    F S U V V   Ccpell0C:\Documents and Settings\cpell\Desktop\-SOP.doccpell]C:\Documents and Settings\cpell\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of -SOP.asdcpell]C:\Documents and Settings\cpell\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of -SOP.asdcpell!P:\Calvin\SOPs\Acrylamide-SOP.doccpell!P:\Calvin\SOPs\Acrylamide-SOP.doccpell!P:\Calvin\SOPs\Acrylamide-SOP.doctbradley!P:\Calvin\SOPs\Acrylamide-SOP.doccpellgC:\Documents and Settings\cpell\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\AutoRecovery save of Acrylamide-SOP.asdcpell!P:\Calvin\SOPs\Acrylamide-SOP.doccpell!P:\Calvin\SOPs\Acrylamide-SOP.doc@!p@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"1h.gCjF;gf /y!0dQ2Standard Operating ProcedurescpelltbradleyOh+'0  , H T ` lxStandard Operating ProceduresMitancpellrdpelpelNormald tbradleyOpe10aMicrosoft Word 9.0P@ِ@"g33@Tp3@\,ny՜.+,D՜.+,` hp  Florida Atlantic UniveristyQ Standard Operating Procedures Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSA <>http://www.fau.edu/ehsXYhttp://www.siri.org/  "#$%&'(*+,-./03Root Entry F7n5Data 1TableWordDocument"SummaryInformation(!DocumentSummaryInformation8)CompObjjObjectPool7n7n  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q