
Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski

Selected Publications


Ackerman, R. H., & Maslin-Ostrowski, P. (2002). The wounded leader: How real leadership emerges in times of crisis. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Journal Articles

Barakat, M., & Maslin-Ostrowski, P. (2019) Ripples of hope: Leading educational change for equity in Egypt’s public schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education.

Drago-Severson, E., Maslin-Ostrowski, P., & Blum-DeStefano, J. (2018). Looking Behind the Curtain: Principals’ Internal Experiences of Managing Pressing Challenges. Journal of School Leadership. 28.

Drago-Severson, E., & Maslin-Ostrowski, P. (2018). In translation: School leaders learning in and from leadership practice while confronting pressing policy challenges. Teachers College Record. 120 (1).

Maslin-Ostrowski, P., Drago-Severson, E., Ferguson, J., Marsick, V., & Hallett, M. (2017). An innovative, international community engagement approach: Story circles as catalysts for transformative learning. Journal of Transformative Education.

Vasquez, M., Maslin-Ostrowski, P., & Baba, S. (2017) Tapping into graduate students’ collaborative technology experience in a research methods class: Insights on teaching research methods in a Malaysian and American setting. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 29 (2).

Bader, D., Salinas, C., Maslin-Ostrowski, P. (2016). Using the Wisdom Development Theory to Conceptualize Student Professionalism Development in Community Colleges. Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

Drago-Severson, E., Maslin-Ostrowski, P., Hoffman, A. M., Barbaro, J. (2014). Managing adaptive challenges: Learning with principals in Bermuda and Florida. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 9(1), 6-33.

Drago-Severson, E., Maslin-Ostrowski, P., & Hoffman, A. (Oct-Dec, 2013) In one voice: Aspiring and practicing school leaders embrace the need for a more integrated approach to leadership preparation and development. International Journal of Adult Vocational Education and Technology, 4(4), 55-73.

Floyd, D. & Maslin-Ostrowski, P. (March, 2013) Leaving a Community College Presidency: The Inevitable Career Transition, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 37:3, 242-246. Maslin-Ostrowski, P., and Floyd, D. (April, 2012). When the time comes for the community college president to step aside: Daunting realities of leading. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 36:4, 291-300.

Drago-Severson, E., Maslin-Ostrowski, P., & Hoffman, A. (April, 2012) Resisting fragmentation: Calling for a holistic approach to professional practice and preparation for educational leaders. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 7(1), 44-77.

Maslin-Ostrowski, P., Floyd, D. Hrabak, M. (January, 2011) Daunting realities of leading complicated by the new media: Wounding and community college presidents. Community College Journal of Research and Practice,

Bogotch, I. & Maslin-Ostrowski, P. (May, 2010). Internationalizing educational leadership: How a university department jumps the curve from local to international. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 210-240.

Floyd, D., Maslin-Ostrowski, P., Hrabak, M. (Spring, 2010). Beyond the headlines: Wounding and the community college presidency. New Directions for Community Colleges: Leadership in an Era of Change, 149, 65-73.

Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski

Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski

Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Office Phone: 561-297-3550
Office Location: ES BC52 - 213, ED-341
Campus: Davie
