Select Publications
- Carey G., Kearney, K., Downey, A., & Miller, B. J. (2024). Getting around the community: qualitatively exploring the transportation experiences of adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals.
- Miller, J. B., Berlingo, L., & Kearney, K. (2024). Experience fitness anywhere! Developing an at-home virtual fitness program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators. 37(5), 13-21.
- Miller, J. B. & Berlingo (2023). Perspectives and experiences on engaging in physical activity for adults with intellectual disabilities. Global Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 11(5), 1-11.
- Kearney, K. B., Brady, M. P., Bennett, K. D., Joseph, B., & Dukes, C. (2022). Using covert audio coaching to teach 鈥渟mall talk鈥 to a college student with autism and intellectual disability. Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education.
- Carey, G. C., Miller, B. J., & Finnegan, L. A. (2021). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on college students with intellectual disability. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 55(3), 271-281.
- Joseph B, Kearney, K. B., Brady, M. P., Downey, A., & Torres, A. (2021). Teaching small talk: increasing on-topic conversational exchanges in college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities using remote audio coaching. Behavior Modification, 45(2), 251-271.
- Joseph, B. (2020). Teacher-directed behavioral interventions. In B. L., Hott, K. M., Randolph, & L., Raymond (2020). Teaching students with emotional and behavioral disabilities (pp.195-218). Plural Publishing.
- Kearney, K. B., Joseph, B., Finnegan, L., & Wood, J. (2020). Using a peer-mediated instructional package to teach college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to navigate an inclusive university campus. The Journal of Special Education. 1-10.
- Joseph, B., Kearney, K. B., & Wilson, C. L. (2019). The role of educational leaders: a case for inclusion in institutions of higher education. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 22(3), 3-15. JCEL-18-0041.R1.
- Wilson, C. L., Randolph, K., & Joseph, B. (2017). Promoting inclusion for students of all abilities. In K. A. Waldon & T. P. Baxley (Eds.), Equity pedagogy: Teaching diverse student populations (pp. 91-100). Kendall-Hunt.