General Information for Instructors with Research Experience Requirement (RER) Courses

Are you an instructor for EEX 2091 Disability and Society or EEX 4070 Inclusive Education for General Educators? If so, you have come to the right place to learn about the Research Experience Requirement (RER). Specifically, how students can meet this requirement, and how you, as the course instructor can facilitate the process so students can meet the requirement. If this is the first time you are teaching a course with an RER requirement, please view the Instructor Guide.

If you have not already done so, please ensure that you are using the most current version of the master syllabus for your course. In the Course Requirements section of the syllabus, there should be a statement describing the RER and the options students have for meeting the requirement. In the Grading Information: Assessment Procedures section of the syllabus, the RER should be listed as an assignment equaling 3 to 5% of the course grade.

The Research Experience Requirement (RER)

Students enrolled in your class are required to earn RERs by completing one of the following activities: (1) serving as a participant (otherwise referred to as 鈥渟ubject鈥) in an IRB-approved research study conducted under the supervision of a DSE faculty and/or a DSE graduate student, (2) participating in one or more professional training sessions (e.g., DSE colloquia) conducted by department faculty or graduate students, or (3) writing a summary of an empirical research article.

  1. For students who choose option (1) or (2), opportunities will be listed on the Department of Special Education (DSE) website and can be found here. You should periodically promote these activities in class so that students are kept abreast of the opportunities. Additionally, the Subject Pool Coordinator will send periodic emails promoting opportunities. Once the student has completed the study or attend the colloquium, s/he will present the Certificate of Participation and responses to follow-up questions (if applicable), to the instructor, documenting completion of the requirement.
  2. For students who choose option (3), this option is described in the course syllabus. You, the instructor, will need to set a deadline and a mechanism (e.g. Blackboard assignment link) for students to submit the summary of an empirical research article to satisfy this requirement.

Instructor Task Analysis

The task analysis below describes steps and instructions on how to implement the RER requirement in your course.

  1. Update your course syllabus to ensure that the RER is described in the Course Requirements and is listed in the Grading Information: Assessment Procedures section of the syllabus.
  2. In the first or second week of class, notify/review this requirement with your students. You may-(a) alert them of the requirement description and the assignment value in the syllabus, (b) show them the website dedicated to this process, noting that there is a section for students enrolled in courses with an RER (e.g., EEX 2091, EEX 4070).
  3. Disseminate information about opportunities to meet the RER. The Subject Pool Coordinator will provide periodic updates via email, intended to alert you and the students of opportunities for meeting the RER.
  4. Encourage your students to complete the RER early in the semester. Opportunities (e.g. research study, colloquia) to meet the RER will be added throughout the semester; these opportunities can also be found here.
  5. Set a deadline by which students should complete the RER. It is strongly recommended that the deadline be no later than the 12th week of fall/spring semester, the 8th week of a 10-week course, or by the 4th week of a 6 week course.
  6. Collect the Certificate of Participation and responses to follow-up questions (if applicable), or other documentation of completion for this requirement.
  7. Contact the Subject Pool Coordinator if you have questions, comments, or concerns.