Urban and Regional Planning

urban regional planning banner

Urban and Regional Planning is a professional program that provides students with the knowledge base and analytical and design skills to address issues that affect the quality of life in neighborhoods, suburbs, cities, and regions. The curriculum consists of planning lecture courses, design courses, and professional practice courses that give students real-world planning experience. Students select courses from a wide variety of distributed electives that allow them to focus on topics of particular interest. Graduates of the program qualify for positions in a variety of public and private organizations, including local and state planning departments, nonprofit organizations, and private sector planning and development firms.

For more information about this major, please visit the following links from the 大象传媒 University Catalog

Related Major Skills

Analyze and interpret data
Computer literacy
Coordinating activities
Critical thinking
Cross-cultural skills
Directing activities and staff
Interpersonal skills
Numerical computation
Oral & written communication
Organizing activities
Planning activities
Problem solving
Sound decision-making
Team player

Sample Career Titles

Sample Work Settings

Advertising Agencies
Architecture Agencies
Construction Sites
Design Studios
Educational Institutions
Interior Design Department/Firms
Magazines, Books, Newspapers
Motion Picture Companies
Photography/Design Studios
Studio Facilities
Television & Film Settings