Fred Fejes
Fred Fejes
Professor Emeritus
PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1982
: 954-465-3262听(cell)听
Areas of Expertise: LGBT Studies, Sexuality and Media, Critical Media Studies
Fred Fejes teaches in the Multimedia Journalism sequence of the degree program in Multimedia Studies. His research and publications include international communication, mass communication theory, new communication technologies, media effects,, LGBT Studies and sexuality and the media. Among his publications are the single authored books Imperialism, Media and the Good Neighbor: New Deal Foreign Policy and United States Shortwave Broadcasting to Latin America and Gay Rights and Moral Panic: The Origins of America's Debate on Homosexuality, as well as the collection The Ideology of the Information Age co-edited with Jennifer Daryl Slack. Among his articles are "Murder, Perversion and Moral Panic: The 1954 Media Campaign Against Miami's Homosexuals and the Discourse of Civic Betterment" (The Journal of the History of Sexuality); "Invisibility, Homophobia, Heterosexism: Lesbians, Gays and the Media," with Kevin Petrich (Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Recipient of the 1994 Outstanding Published Article Award from the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender); "Critical Mass Communication Research and Media Effects: The Problem of the Disappearing Audience" (Mass Communication Review Yearbook); and "Media Imperialism: An Assessment" (Media, Culture and Society).
He was 2013 recipient of the for contributions to education and research on issues affecting the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities. Awarded by the GLBT Interest Group of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
He directed the oral history project "Generations: An Oral History of the South Florida Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community.
He is a Fulbright-Palacky Distinguished Chair at Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic 2018-2019. He is teaching course on Media Studies and Sexuality and the Media. His research there is on the relations between American Czech LGBTQ narratives of community and movement.
Recent Publications
(co-edited with Jennifer Daryl Slack)
(The Journal of the History of Sexuality)
"Critical Mass Communication Research and Media Effects: The Problem of the Disappearing Audience" ( Mass Communication Review Yearbook)
"Media Imperialism: An Assessment" (Media, Culture and Society)
MMC 3403: Mass Media Theory
COM 4930: Sexuality and Media
MMC 1540: Introduction to Multimedia Studies
COM 6400: Introduction to Graduate Studies
COM 6015: Sexuality and Media
MMC 6408: Media Theory
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