Upcoming Health Humanities Courses
The following courses can be applied to the Health Humanities minor. Remember that at least 12 of the minor's 15 credits must come from the College of Arts and Letters.
Summer 2025
College of Arts and Letters
Sociology of Health, Medicine, and Illness, SYO 3400 CRN 12089, 2nd half term, fully online, Prof. Maritza Flores (mflore15@fau.edu)
Fall 2025
College of Arts and Letters
Introduction to Biological Anthropology, ANT 2511 CRN 13387, fully online, Prof. Catalina Fernandez (cfernandez@fau.edu). Requires lab ANT 2511L (also fully online)
Anthropology of Death, ANT 4025 CRN 15057, T/Th 8:00-9:20am, Prof. Meredith Ellis (ellism@fau.edu)
Epidemics: Culture, Science and Policy, ANT 4532 CRN 15074, T/Th, Prof. Katharina Rynkiewich (krynkiewich@fau.edu)
Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
Spanish for Careers (Medical Professionals), SPN 2161 CRN 14197, fully online, instructor TBD
Alexander Technique for the Musician, MUS 4802 CRN 13982, W 5:00-6:30pm, Prof. Susan Dorchin (sdorchin@fau.edu). Open to Music majors only
Introduction to Vocal Pedagogy, MVV 2601 CRN 14256, M/W 11:00-11:50, Prof. Mitchell Hutchings (mhutchings@fau.edu). Open to Music majors only
Drugs and Society, SYP 3550 section 002 CRN 13163, M 7:10-10:00pm, Prof. Phillip Hough (phough2@fau.edu)
Drugs and Society, SYP 3550 section 003 CRN 15566, W/F 11:00am-12:20pm, Prof. Carrie Hough (chough2007@fau.edu)
Sociology of Aging and Dying, SYP 3740 CRN 14802, T/Th 12:30-1:50, Prof. William McConnell (wmcconnell@fau.edu)
College of Business
Introduction to Health Professions, HSA 3104 (multiple sections)
Health Care Delivery Systems, HSA 3111 (multiple sections)
Health Care Medical Terminology, HSA 3534 (multiple sections)
Issues and Trends in Health Care, HSA 4113 CRN 14319, M/W 5:30-6:50, Prof. Lawrence Newmann (lnewma10@fau.edu). Pre-requisite: HSA 3111
International Healthcare Systems, HSA 4124 CRN 12394, fully online, Prof. Judith Monestime (jmonestime@fau.edu). Open only to majors in the College of Business; pre-requisite: Health Services Administration, HSA 3111.
College of Nursing
Foundations of Nursing Situations, NUR 3115 (open only to Nursing students)
College of Science
Biological Sciences
Climate Change Biology: Ecosystems to Human Health, BSC 4307 CRN 15089, T/Th 9:30-10:50am, Prof. Marguerite Koch-Rose (mkoch@fau.edu)
Biology of Cancer, BSC 4806 CRN 10197, W/F 2:00-3:20, Davie Campus, instructor TBD
Microbiology of Health Services, MCB 2004 CRN 10180, M/W 7:10-8:30 pm, Prof. Olumide Adenmosun (oadenmos@fau.edu). Pre-requisites: BSC 1010 and 1010L, BSC 2085 and 2085L, and BSC 2086 and 2086L
Medical Bacteriology, MCB 4203 CRN 12688, Th 6:00-8:50pm, Prof. Ian Kaye (ikaye@fau.edu). Pre-requisite: MCB 3020)
Cell Biology, PCB 3023, multiple sections, pre-requisites: BCS 1010 and CHM 2045
Genetics, PCB 3063, multiple sections, pre-requisites: BCS 1010 and CHM 2045
Evolution, PCB 3674, multiple sections, pre-requisite: BCS 1010
Introduction to Drug Development, CHM 4274C, multiple sections, pre-requisite: CHM 2211
Exercise Science and Health Promotion
Perspectives in Health, HSC 3102, multiple sections. Pre-requisites: junior standing or higher and HSC 2100
Stress Management, HSC 4101, multiple sections. Pre-requisite: junior standing or higher
Substance Abuse, HSC 4143 CRN 10460, fully online, Prof. Tomoko Okada (tokada@fau.edu). Pre-requisite: junior standing or higher
Health Promotion, HSC 4581, multiple sections. Pre-requisite: HSC 2100
Obesity: Biological, Psychological and Cultural Factors, PET 4263, multiple sections
Interdisciplinary Studies
Health Science 1: Foundation, IDS 2122 (open only to Health Science majors)
Psychopathology, CLP 4144 CRN 11479, T/Th 8:00-9:20am, Prof. Larry Miller (lmille62@fau.edu). Pre-requisite: PSY 1012
Clinical Psychology, CLP 4343 CRN 13957, T/Th 9:30-10:50am, Prof. Larry Miller (lmiller62@fau.edu). Pre-requisite: PSY 1012
Psychology of Women, SOP 3742 CRN 10907, fully online, Prof. Donna Marion (dmarion@fau.edu). Pre-requisite: PSY 1012