Never NeverLand
Curated by Omar Lopez-Chahoud and W. Rod Faulds

Schmidt Center Gallery: November 11 - December 22, 2000

Artists in Exhibition: Jim Anderson, James Angus, Markus Baenzinger, Bonnie Collura, Rico Gaston, Arturo Herrera, Colin Keefe, Tommy Kenny, Mary Magsamen, Melissa Marks, Jason Middlebrook, Michael Minelli, Daniel Mirer, Takashi Murakami, Stephan Pascher, Daniela Steinfeld, Gabriele Stellbaum, Brian Tolle, Type A
Video Program Artists: Dara Birnbaum, John Espinosa, Alix Lambert, Guy Richards Smit, Charlotta Westergren, Caitlin Masley

Never NeverLand is an exhibition that displays the works of 25 artists that reflects upon commercialized fantasy in contemporary culture that is often correlated with Disney and the Disney phenomenon. These artists explore this vast amalgamation of both positive and negative opinions or viewpoints towards the world Disney has cultivated.


mark catesby

Never NeverLand

Curators: Omar Lopez-Chahoud and W. Rod Faulds

Essays: Dick Hebdige

November 11 - December 22, 2000

19" x 25" Poster Brochure

Public Programs:听
Free & Open to the Public

Panel Discussion, Moderated by Dick Hebdige

Panelists: Omar Lopez-Chahoud, Bonnie Collura, Jason Middlebrook, and Stephan Pascher

7 pm, Friday, November 10 - Schmidt Center Gallery

Rethinking Disney: Private Control & Public Dimensions

November 9-12, Sheraton Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.