Course Descriptions
A student must earn a minimum of 15 credits in Ethnic Studies courses with a grade of “C” or better in each course in order to receive the Ethnic Studies Certificate. Each student participating in the program must fulfill the following requirements:
- Satisfactory completion of one of the Core Courses. (See below.)
- Satisfactory completion of four Distribution Courses in at least three disciplines ordepartments. (See distribution courses below.)
Core Courses
History of American Immigration and Ethnicity - (AMH 3530) 3 credits
An overview of the history of immigration to the United
States and of the immigrant and ethnic experience in American
society from colonial times to the present.
Class, Gender, and Race in the American Community Since
1900 - (AMH 4318) 3 credits
Development of class, gender and race for everyday behavior
and for public policy.
Race and Ethnic Relations - (SYD 4700)
3 credits
A survey of the socio-historical perspective in the area of
intergroup relations; the role of minorities in contemporary
Minorities and the Media - (MMC 3601)
3 credits
A historical analysis of images of minorities in motion
pictures, radio and television programming; the origin of social
stereotypes, their relationship to societal development, and an
examination of other alternatives.
American Multicultural Discourse - (SPC
3014) 3 credits
An exploration of the rhetorical practices of multicultural
Americans utilizing rhetorical criticism as a tool to study the
persuasive efforts of multicultural discourse in the United
Ethnicity and Communication - (SPC 4718) 3
A comparative analysis focusing on communication patterns
among different cultural groups living within the United
Distribution Courses (By Department/Dicipline)
African-American Anthropology - (ANT 4315) 3
A review of the most important theoretical issues in
African-American anthropology, including Africanisms, the family,
matrifocality, and religion, with the reading of ethnographic
studies of African-Americans in the United States.
Cultures of South Asia - (ANT
3361)3 credits
The cultural variation in South Asia, comprising the
nations of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan,
and the Maldives. Religion (Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism), caste
and social structure, village dynamics, tribal groups,
colonialism, and culture change.
Cultural Anthropology - (ANT 4414)3
Culture: its nature, structure and dynamics; its relation
to society and the individual. Tribal cultures as contrasted with
state formations, exemplified by several widely varied case
Gender and Culture - (ANT 4302) 3 credits
An examination of the variation of gender roles in
non-Western societies across different levels of social
organization. Femininity, masculinity, and additional genders are
examined within the context of anthropological theory.
Introduction to African Studies - (AFS
3010)3 credits
Topics and issues that broaden understanding about the
history, economics, politics, social structures, and cultures of
the people and societies of Africa.
Native American Culture & Society - (ANT
3312) 3 credits
A description and analysis of aboriginal and contemporary
North American Indian cultures in their historical and ecological
Storytelling - (COM 4703)3
Historical development and cultural significance of
storytelling as a basis for the discipline of communication. Oral
performance of a variety of storytelling styles and
Intercultural Communication - (SPC
3710) 3 credits
Examination of the intracultural and intercultural
communication differences within and between racial, ethnic, and
other culturally diverse groups within the United States.
Gender, Race & Communication - (SPC
4712) 3 credits
An investigation of the relationships between discursive
practices and cultural concepts of gender and race. Theories of
gender and race differences as well as cultural myths, hegemony,
and personal, political and religious power are examined.
Education in a Multicultural Society - (EDF
3610) 3 credits
A study of the multicultural dimensions of American society
and their impact on the educational process. International
dimensions of curriculum are examined.
Teaching Diverse Populations - (EDG 2701) 3
This course will examine how various ethnic/cultural groups
are served in U.S. schools. Multicultural content and
materials to be incorporated into various disciplines will be
surveyed. A field experience component in a culturally
diverse school/setting in Palm Beach County is required.
African-American Literature to 1895 - (AML
4604) 3 credits
An introduction to African-American literature and culture
through prose and poetry from 1746-1895.
African-American Literature 1895-present - (AML
4605) 3 credits
An introduction to African-American literature from the
late 19th century to contemporary times.
American Indian Literature - (AML
4640)3 credits
Interpretation of traditional oral narratives, songs, and
oratory, as well as contemporary fiction and poetry. Emphasizes
both cultural continuity and creative adaptation of Euro-American
Asian-American Literature - (AML
4673)3 credits
An introduction to Asian-American literary traditions and
Comparative Literature of Cultural China - (CHT
4500) 3 credits
An exploration of literature and film by Chinese and
Chinese descendents from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore,
France, United States, etc. All literary and cinematic texts are
in English or in translation.
Jewish-American Literature - (AML
4663)3 credits
An introduction to Jewish-American literature and culture
through the work of several major and emergent 20th century
Jewish-American writers.
U.S. Latino/a Literatures - (AML 4630) 3
An introduction to U.S. Latino/a literatures, with emphasis
on Cuban-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American
African-American History to 1954 - (AMH
4570) 3 credits
A survey of the historical experience of African-Americans
from West Africa origins to the Brown decision in 1954. Emphasis
is placed on the African background, the origins and development
of American slavery, the abolitionist movement, the
reconstruction and segregation era, the urbanization of
African-Americans, and the struggle to end Jim Crow.
African-American History 1954 to Present - (AMH 4580) 3 credits
An examination of the civil rights movement in the United
States from the Brown decision (1954) to the present.
American Indian History - (AMH 4580) 3
An examination of selected aspects of American Indian
policy from the colonial era to the present. An ethno-historical
approach will be utilized in which Indian cultures are viewed as
dynamic entities responding to changing conditions through
contact with Euroamericans.
The Civil Rights Movement - (AMH
4575) 3 credits
A survey of the African-American struggle for full
citizenship and human rights. Students will study black
leaders; their organizations; and the legal strategies,
mainstream protest movements, and alternative (or radical)
approaches they applied to solving the dilemmas of chronic
discrimination and racism in 20th century America.
History of the Caribbean - (LAH 4470)3
The study of the historical development of the
Caribbean-Gulf of Mexico cultural area from earliest times to the
present. Emphasis is on Hispanic legacy and the region’s
strategic importance since the 18th century.
History of Southeastern Indians- (AMH
4581) 3 credits
An ethno-historical examination of Southeastern Indian
tribes from pre-contact to the present time. Emphasis is placed
on the political, economic and social impact on Indian
communities resulting from interaction with Euroamericans.
Islamic History -(ASH 3222)3
First of two-part survey history of Islamic Civilization in
the Middle East. Course will range from Rise of Islam to
the height of Ottoman power in the 17th century. Focus will be on
methods of rule, cultural syncretism, and Islamic thought.
Peoples of the Middle East- (ASH
3230)3 credits
A survey course, focusing on civilizations of the Middle
East from 3000 BCE to modern day. Intended as an introduction to
various ethno-linguistic groups and religious systems, as well as
the Western approach to the study of the region.
Slavery in the New World: A Comparative
Perspective - (HIS 4451) 3 credits
This course focuses on the economic, political, and
cultural dimensions of African slavery in the Americas. Primary
emphasis will be on Brazil, the United States, and Cuba from the
Age of Revolution through the period of emancipation.
Women in Asian History - (ASH 3384) 3
This course examines the social, political, economic, and
cultural roles played by women in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and
East Asia. Selective topics will include religious beliefs,
political systems, women’s work, ideologies shaping popular
notions about women, sexuality, the roles of women in the family,
feminism, patriarchy, imperialism, revolution, and
Women’s History in the Developing World - (HIS 3312) 3 credits
An examination of the social, political, and economic roles
played by women in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the
Middle East from the beginning of known civilizations to
the present.
American Jewish History - (JST 4415) 3
A survey of major issues and themes in American Jewish
history set within the context of North America, from the first
Jewish settlers to the National Jewish Population survey of
History of Anti-Semitism -(JST
3408)3 credits
A survey of one of the most lasting forms of human hatred.
Beginning with the classical period, the course will chart the
changing shape of antipathy toward the Jews through medieval
Christian and Muslim societies up to the modern period.
History of Hasidism - (JST 4464) 3
The development of Hasidism, the 18th century phenomenon
that emerged from Eastern Europe and continues to have a profound
impact on contemporary American and Israeli society. Historical
origins, major doctrines, gender issues, and Hasidism in the
contemporary world.
The Holocaust -(JST 4701) 3 credits
An in-depth study of the Holocaust from its political,
religious, and ideological roots in anti-Semitism through the
Nazi Final Solution to post-Holocaust issues of ethics, theology,
and moral choice.
Introduction to Jewish Studies - (JST 2000)
3 credits
A general introduction to Judaic studies. The primary
approach will be historical, but aspects of Jewish religion,
culture, and contemporary issues will be explored.
Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature
African-American Vernacular - (LIN 4612) 3
The history, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and
educational implications (the Ebonics question) of contemporary
African-American Vernacular English dialects.
Caribbean Literature - (LIT 4192) 3
Comparative study of contemporary prose writers of the
Caribbean. Readings and discussion will focus on the shared
issues of colonialism, identity, and exile.
Introduction to Latin American Studies - (LAS
3002) 3 credits
Beginning course of the Latin American Studies curriculum.
Serves as an introduction to the methodologies of the field and
describes life in Latin America.
Italian American Cinema - (ITT
3522)3 credits
An overview of the major filmmakers associated with the
representation of Italian Americans in the United States film
world. Students will view and discuss major filmmakers and their
films, and will write critical essays on film topics. Conducted
in English.
World Music Ensemble - (MUN 3494) 1 credit
This course is for players of different instruments who
would like to explore music and instruments from around the world
in an ensemble situation. Students interact with other
instruments, playing and improvising in the styles of different
Jazz in American Society - (MUH 3801) 3
This survey course brings into focus the roots and
historical perspective of Jazz in American society. Musical and
historical events and their effect on the development and
evolution of Jazz music from its inception to the present day are
African-American Philosophy - (PHP 3781) 3
An examination of problems and aspirations of certain major
philosophical thinkers in the African-American tradition.
Political Science
Comparative Politics: Middle East - (CPO
4403) 3 credits
The course will explain the complex political process in
the Middle East. Students will explore the historical
background and current developments of the major socio-political
The Comparative Politics of Ethnic Conflict - (CPO
4724) 3 credits
The objective of the course is to study the development of
ethnic conflict, separatism, and identity issues, and their
impact on world politics.
Religions and World Politics - (CPO
3761) 3 credits
This course will discuss the rise of religious movements
worldwide and the impact of religious conflicts on world
Self and Society - (SYP 4110) 3 credits
Study of thought, emotions, the self, and social
interaction in societal context. Particularly, the course will
focus on the impact of the 20th century social changes, cultural
patterns, and structures of social inequality in American
Social Change - (SYP 4400)3
A consideration of selected works of classic and
contemporary theorists, emphasizing their implications for the
study of social change. May include such topics as
modernization, social movements, revolution, and postindustrial
Women’s Studies
Women of Color in U.S. Society - (WST
4404) 3 credits
Examines how issues of gender, race, ethnicity, and class
shape experiences of women of color in the U.S., including Native
American, African-American, Asian-American, and Hispanic-American
* Not all eligible courses are on the list above. If you would like to know if a course that is not listed is eligible to be considered as a distribution course, contact the Director or your departmental representative to the Ethnic Studies Executive Committee.