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Beijing Normal University Distinguished paper award Module: The History of Western Aesthetics, The History of Chinese Aesthetics, The Aesthetics of Zen, Intercultural Study of Aesthetics, Ancient Greek, Educational Psychology 2012-2015 College of Philosophy & Sociology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Studying for PhD Internship 2008/03-05-Assistant Editor, Post Wave Publishing, Beijing, China Assistant editor and assistant translator of the following books: Socrates to Sartre and Beyond: A History of Philosophy, Ethics: Theory and Practice, Film Art: An Introduction Voluntary Work and Activities 2008/05 Cross Art Festival, China One of the 3 stage directors of the dance show JiYi, which is performed by a group of professional dancers from Beijing Dance Academy and joined the Cross art festival conducted by Life Dance Studio, Beijing 2008/04-05 Mini Midi: Noise is Free (a Sound Art Festival), Beijing, China Assistant curator, coordinating the overseas artists 2008 Jumping Frames International Dance Video Exhibition One of the 2 directors of film work Clurrians, which is shortlisted for this exhibition 2009/09 Get it Louder Art Festival, Beijing, China Assisting curator, coordinating volunteers and overseas artists 2009/09 International conference of philosophy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China Translator, translating for the overseas lectures from English to Chinese Language Fluent in English, Native Chinese speaker, IELTS 7.0/9.0, French a little "#+12QRe  . / H J  0 @ 9 F \ c w < E ~ - . / ] c ׺ʮh`h?6CJo(h`h`5CJo(h`h?0JCJo(jh`h?CJUjh`h?CJUh`h?CJh`h?CJo(h`h?5CJh`h?5CJo(;2J /  1  & FWD^gd?WD^`gd? & FWD^gd? dr^gd?drd&dP[$gd?$a$gd? $dra$gd? < . 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