ࡱ> -/,%`  bjbj"x"x .@@     $ h)|      q/  0 v* `0"-    "Can Alain Badiou's phenomenology speak of bodies?" Oliver Feltham American University of Paris, France Through a strict application of Alain Badiou's new logical phenomenology appearing in English translation in December 2008 this paper will examine the theatrical creation of a perceptible collective body in the theatrical work of Dario Fo; the body of hunger, specifically "the servant's hunger" (La fame dello zanni). Badiou's own work on theatre, including his plays, assigns itself interlocutors such as Brecht and Claudel, and privileges a literary approach to theatrical dialogue. The wager of this paper is that by interrogating Badiou's philosophical work from the standpoint of a resolutely physical and corporeal theatre, such as Fo's commedia dell'arte, one will not only be able to theorize the creation of what Meyerhold called a 'collective corporeal act' but one will also be able to actually situate the debate over whether a logical phenomenology can indeed speak of subjectivity and the perception of bodies. 45Dhjk    hWhhW6]mH sH  h)hWhWhWmH sH  45Dik   gdW$a$gdW ,1h/ =!"#$% @`@ WNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No List45Dik0000000045DikZ00Z00Z00Z00Z00Z00 @00 00   8@0(  B S  ?|tMMb`hhB*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace LL_ []BKqP ?8Xg*?8?8dilcr8 }yE-Tr8 ^?8dilcE-T }y|*_fwA$lQ,y K (U WW=?T$KMmPST:"-$z%a(|(+*-,l-8.C0L1O1W4Sp4C5)P6 8wS8(96v:d@n-BSBRCPEqE cF:eG_eG+H_HIQII1K LMRO%7Q