ࡱ> UWT%` bjbj"x"x 4@@  ^$Fh V55J" / `0   (55 ^^^D^^^  Geometry, Space, and the Human: Laszlo Moholy-Nagy Revisits E. T. A. Hoffmann Jennifer Low Associate Professor of English ý This paper examines how Laszlo Moholy-Nagy draws on foundational Bauhaus theories of bodies in space to develop sets and costume designs for a 1929 production of Offenbachs Tales of Hoffmann. Following the model of Oskar Schlemmers Triadic Ballet and other theatrical productions, Moholy-Nagy used geometric forms to depict the body in motion. But what makes the conjunction of Hoffmann and Bauhaus so important is the tension in the designers treatment of the puppet and the artist. The opera is based on the stories of E. T. A. Hoffmann, which overtly manifest the Romanticists anxious response to the Industrial Revolution. The Bauhaus school, however, developed an anti-Romantic stand, skeptical of the uniqueness of the artist, the visitation of inspiration and, most of all, of the idea of the artist as set apart from his society and yet able to speak for it. In the opera, the body is particularly significant: in the first act, the very concept is challenged by the youthful Hoffmanns mistaken conviction that he experiences a special affinity with the beautiful Olympia, whom he discovers, to his sorrow, is a life-sized automaton designed by amateur scientists. The real Hoffmanns treatment of this theme in his story The Sandman was one of the first of many works about the puppet/automaton/robot, human images whose lifeless animation has intrigued artists, writers, and theoristsamong them Kleist, Craig, Freud, and Harrawaywho have theorized about the human via the figure of the automaton. In the changing treatment of Olympia from 1817 to 1880 to 1929, one can see the changing understanding of the human and its relation to the body, the body and its relation to the self. In his designs, Moholy-Nagy uses the operas fantasy to revisit themes that he and his Bauhaus colleagues addressed in their attempts to recast cultural perceptions in an appropriately modernist mode. 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BI-302',22,2N,!,!3!N'22,2,2,22302N222BT% /@@%Lhut what makes 2H2,N,2,' TX  /@@X `L the conjunction of Hoffmann and Bauhaus so important is the tension in the designer s treatment 2,,2222,222!H2!!O,22,22B,22,2''2N32!,2'2,,2'2222,2,'13,!!'",,N,2 TXn  /@@X Lof the puppet and the artist. 2!2,2222,,222,,!'Tn  /@@ >LThe opera is based on the stories of E. T. A. Hoffmann, which =2,22,!,'2,(,2222,'2!,'2!==HH3!!N,22H2,2 TXT /@@X 6Lov&" WMFC Jertly manifest the Romanticist s anxious response to22,!0N,2!,'2,C2N,2,'!',2322'!,'222',2TD T Z /@@ )L the Industrial Revolution. 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In !2,23N,2,22'!,,2222,22303,2240,22'",,2222,',! 2% 666666666666666666666666666666666666 6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6  6 66 6 66666666666666666666  $-.@Times New Roman-  2 o_+$ ^0 2 o+$ ^0 2 o+$ ^0 2 o+$ ^/ 2 o+$ ^0 2 oN+$ ^0 2 o~+$ ^/ 2 o+$ ^0 2 o+$ ^P2 .+$Geometry, Space, and the Human: Laszlo Moholy      2 +$-^:2 +$Nagy Revisits E. T. A. Hoffmann        2 +$ ^2 k +$Jennifer Low  2 +$ ^b2 :+$Associate Professor of English ý       2 O+$ ^ 2 +$ ^C2 %+$This paper examines how Laszlo Moholy     2 +$-^M2 ,+$Nagy draws on foundational Bauhaus theories   @Times New Roman--2 _ +$of bodies in 2 O+$space to develop sets and costume designs for a 1929 production of Offenbachs   -%2 '_+$Tales of Hoffmanni   - 2 '+$.^ 2 '+$ ^ 2 L_+$ ^02 LO+$Following the model of Oskar Schlemmers Triadic Ballet and other theatrical        (2 q_+$productions, Moholy  2 q+$-^b2 q:+$Nagy used geometric forms to depict the body in motion. B     2 qi+$ut what makes   2 _`+$the conjunction of Hoffmann and Bauhaus so important is the tension in the designers treatment      82 _+$of the puppet and the artist. h2 >+$The opera is based on the stories of E. T. A. Hoffmann, which       \2 _6+$overtly manifest the Romanticists anxious response to   I2 )+$ the Industrial Revolution. The Bauhaus e   >2 _"+$school, however, developed an anti  2 @+$-^j2 E?+$Romantic stand, skeptical of the uniqueness of the artist, the   2 *_h+$visitation of inspiration and, most of all, of the idea of the artist as set apart from his society and   2 O_ +$yet able to s2 O +$peak for it. 2 O+$ ^ 2 t_+$ ^0v2 tG+$In the opera, the body is particularly significant: in the first act,   )2 t)+$the very concept is 2 _a+$challenged by the youthful Hoffmanns mistaken conviction that he experiences a special affinity     \2 _6+$with the beautiful Olympia, whom he discovers, to his     %2 +$sorrow, is a lifei  2  +$-^12 %+$sized automaton designed i 2 __+$by amateur scientists. The real Hoffmanns treatment of this theme in his story The Sandman           2 _X+$was one of the first of many works about the puppet/automaton/robot, human images whose       82 -_+$lifeless animation has intrigu @2 -#+$ed artists, writers, and theoristsl   2 -+$^=2 -!+$among them Kleist, Craig, Freud, t    2 R_ +$and Harraway   2 R+$^t2 RF+$who have theorized about the human via the figure of the automaton.   2 R+$In the 2 v_R+$changing treatment of Olympia from 1817 to 1880 to 1929, one can see the changing     "2 _+$understanding o2 U+$f the human and its relation to the body, the body and its relation to the self. In s  "System-$$++$$++$$++##++##**##**##**##**##**""**""**""))""))""))""))""))!!))!!((!!((՜.+,0 hp  ý'  Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSVRoot Entry FpC/X1Table WordDocument4SummaryInformation(mDocumentSummaryInformation8LCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q