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Committee: Professor Kiyokazu Nishimura (chair), Professor Hiroshi Watanabe, Professor Tanehisa Otabe Publications: The Significance of Hulls Teleosemantics in the Journal of Philosophy of Biology / The University of Tokyo (forthcoming) On Species: Individuality, Pluralism, and Phylogenetic Species Concept in the Journal of Philosophy of Biology / The University of Tokyo (Dec 2008) Presentations: Articulation of the Nature of Identity: The Simplicity and Primitiveness of the Notion of Identity, and Its Absolute Fundamental role in our Thinking for The Hongo Metaphysics Club, Keynote Speaker : Nick Zangwill, The University of Tokyo (April 2009)- in English Logics of Interpretation on Pragmatist Aesthetics for The Japanese Aesthetics Society, Kyoto (Oct 2008)- in Japanese Global Citizenship and Pragmatism in the Third Social Philosophy Conference, Tokyo (Dec 2007)- in Japanese Pythagorean Utopianism and Numerology for the Demanding the Impossible : Third Utopias Conference at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, Keynote Speakers: Terry Eagleton and Tom Moylan (Dec 2007)- in English Service to Profession: Simultaneous interpreter (Japanese - Korean) for 31st Congress of the Japanese Society for Eighteenth Century Studies / The University of Tokyo and The Japanese Aesthetics Society (June 2009) Simultaneous interpreter (Japanese - Korean - German) for the lecture : Hegels Lehre von der Symbolik und Ihre Bedeutung fr die Gegenwart / The University of Tokyo and The Japanese Aesthetics Society (Mar 2008) Simultaneous interpreter (English - Japanese - Korean ) for the University of Tokyos Anniversary Event : 130th Regatta (Sept 2007) Scholarships: 2009-2012 The University of Tokyo Special Scholarship for International Students (University of Tokyo Fellowship) 2008-2009 Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students The University of Tokyo Special Scholarship for International Students (University of Tokyo Fellowship) Other Activities: Cross-Cultural Understanding Instructor (High school): Association of International Education, Tokyo (2009 - Present) English Activity Instructor (Elementary school): Association of International Education, Tokyo (2009 - Present) Volunteer for international medical service: Find A Doctor Now(2009-Present) Reporter for Tokyo Minutes Magazine (July 2009 ) Interviewed by The Newspaper of the University of Tokyo (June 2009 ) Translator (English-Korean) : ALAYA Translation Service Company, Tokyo (Apr 2008 - Present) Simultaneous interpreter (English - Korean ) for the Korea University and Seoul Universitys : International Students Festival (Oct 2003) University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, USA (2002 - 2003) Extension program: Creative Writing Academic Memberships: Social Philosophy Society The Hongo Metaphysics Club Utopias Society Bigakukai (The Japanese Aesthetics Society Popular Music Society Contemporary - Analytic Philosophy Society Languages: Japanese: Fluent, English: Fluent, German: Intermediate, Spanish: Intermediate, Ancient Greek: basic, Korean: Native Supplemental Experience: Freelance actor and model (1998 - Present): Uniqlo, Shiseido, etc. Judo (2008 - Present) Sculpture and Painting (Art Exhibitions 1999 - 2004) Singer in a rock band (Korea 1999 - 2002) Personal Information Date of Birth: 06 June 1980 Gender: Female Nationality: Korean Marital Status: Single Interests: Fusion jazz, conceptual art, concrete poetry, good movies, surfing       !"$-5=>OPVbcnξξwaN:'h7Nh7N5CJOJPJQJnHtH$h7Nh7NCJOJPJQJnHtH*h7Nh7N5;CJOJPJQJnHtH$h7N5;CJOJPJQJnHtHh7Nh7N>*hAh7NOJPJQJ^Jh7NOJPJQJ^J hAh7NOJPJQJnHtHh7NOJPJQJ^JnHtH$hAh7NOJPJQJ^JnHtH hAh7NOJQJ^JnHtHh7NOJQJ^JnHtH $>Pcn, - j W X (]gd7N x]gd7N x1$G$gd7N1$G$gd7N$xd1$G$a$gd7N $3$a$gd7N + , ^ ` q x  W X i k w x y ~   > H vlh BOJQJ^Jh h OJQJ^Jh OJQJ^J'h7Nh7N5CJOJPJQJnHtHhROJQJ^JhROJQJ^JnHtHh7NOJQJ^JnHtH'h$h7NOJPJQJ^JnHo(tHh(OJQJ^Jh7Nh +h7NOJQJ^Jh7NOJQJ^J(H a b c q r w y } e m u w 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