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Because the word harness -it ordinary means control of natural force in order to exploit the force- completely changes its meaning in this project. It comes from a new attitude of natural scientists who try to take lessons from nature on the way how to dynamically sustain diversity of the natural world through interactions, for example, symbiotic interaction between harmful insects / vegetables / natural enemies. I try to explain the emergence of a new aesthetic consciousness in the project. The other is to concretely analyze tactile scores and an educational video clip for the haptica project. In these scores and the video clip we can find so many movements of art form - painting, sculpting, brushstroking, conducting, performing and so on - are combined. In a sense it might be called a new form of art. I also try to explain about it.  !/0678BCLam{O P   J K ǷuujajahOJQJo(hohOJQJhKhKHOJQJ_H hhKHOJQJ_H o(hhKHOJQJ_H 'hKhKHOJQJ_H mHo(sHhKHOJQJ_H mHsHhtohKHOJQJ_H h 0whKHOJQJ_H o(hKHOJQJ_H hKHOJQJ_H o(" !0BC, J s gd%$ & 6m I %\d1$7$8$H$a$gd"$ & 6m I %\1$7$8$H$a$gd"$ & 6m I %\1$7$8$H$a$gd   , ; O S V d e l m  $ " s t ﰩ hhKhj>?hKHOJQJ_H o(hj>?hOJQJhKHOJQJ_H hKHOJQJ_H o(hohOJQJhOJQJo(hOJQJ50P:p f/ =!"#$% Z@Z Normal $1$a$(CJKHOJPJQJaJmH nHsH tHDA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListD@D 7~ Balloon TextCJOJPJaJ0U@0 C Hyperlink>*B* !0BC,Js$$$$$$ $Y$!0$id$+ !0BC,Js0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@00    8@0(  B S  ?!/DKCP!/DK3+`< f@2)d1j>?[\`-Anto7q8v 0wyDo=q.[5,PK'E]* ;$X@M/`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z ArialG5  hMS Mincho-3 fgMCenturyCalisto MTC@=0000҉0 Pro W3"Ah ʆ0Ȧ  !2!%),.:;?]}  0 2 3 !000 0 0 00000000000 =]acde$([\{  0 0 0000;[b2d2qP { 2?Vision and touch in the educational video for "haptica" projecty^ SxQblabadieOh+'0| ( <H h t  @Vision and touch in the educational video for "haptica" project秋庭 史典Normal blabadie8Microsoft Office Word@ @]@<*@/GVT$mT A&" WMFCO_ `:`ZlUT#m EMF`Z$I*U"   %  Rp@Times New Roman$x0HQ$0($1504 +0,0T:dd|Gz Times ew Roman\500150X0XlN0pdv%  TX /@@LhAesthetics of H,'2,,'2!% TT X /@@ LP ,% Tx X /@@ L\haptica3,2,,% TT X, /@@ LP ,% T|- X[ /@@- L\ project3!2,,% TT\ X /@@\ LP .!"  % TT " </@@ %LP -!"  % T>6 /@@LhFuminori Akiba72N22!H22,% TT6 >c /@@6 LP .!"  % Tpy "/@@{ LXNagoyaH-140,% TT  "/@@ LP % TT  "/@@ LPUH% T o "/@@  L`niversity22-!'0% TTp  "/@@p LP .!"  % TTX$/@@X~LP -!"  % TX/@@X L` haptica ,2,2,-,% T/@@Lx project consists of 2!2,,,22'''2!% T/@@ Lda series of ,',!,'3!% T /@@Lhbody workshops2240H2!3'222'% T /@@ L which have been undertaken H2,22,2,2-,2322,!,2,2% T`?/@@LTby 40!"  % TdX}/@@XYLYasuhiro Suzuki, a researcher of complex systems science and Rieko Suzuki, an artist and H,'22!282-22,!,',-!,2,!3!,2N2,3(0',O'',,2,,,22C,2282-12,2,!',22!"  % TXcG/@@X Lhaesthetician.,,'2,,,2% T(Hc/@@HOL In the workshops, participants are asked to make a pair, massage their partner 22,H2!3'222'2,!,2,2',!,,(2,22N,2,,2,!N,'',2,2,!2,!2-!% TTc/@@LP !% T|c/@@L\s face. '!-,,!"  % TXIO/@@X^LAfter that they are asked to make a score about their way of touching and massaging, exchange H!,!2,2.0,!,,'2,22N,2,,',2",,2222-!H.02!22,231,22O,''-121,3,2,31,!"  % TX//@@X L`the score 2,',2!,% TT//@@LP-!% T/J/@@Lpthey call it the 3.0,,2,% TTK/v/@@KLP ,% Txw/j/@@wL\tactile,,,% TTk//@@kLP-!% Tl/^/@@LXscore',3!,% TT_//@@_LP -% TT//@@LP-!% T/ /@@L each other and do massage aga,-,222-!,2222N,''-2,-1,% T /s/@@ Ltin according their 2-,,2!2312,!!"  % TxX q /@@Xo L\partner2,!2,!% TTr  /@@ro LP !% T  /@@o Lls tactile score.',,,',2",% TT  /@@o L&" WMFC ``ZP .!"  % TX l /@@XU LMy presentation has two aims.Z02",',2,222,'H2,N'% TT! Ml /@@!U LP -!"  % TTX CR /@@X; LP % TD R /@@D; LLThe first is to make clear why this project can be an object of aesthetics. =2,!!''2N,2,,-,!H302'2!2-,,,23,-222,,2!,,'3,,'% T ER /@@; L`Generally H-2,!,0!"  % TX 8 /@@X! ALspeaking, emergence of a new aesthetic consciousness presupposes '2,,221,N- 1,2-,2!-2,H,,'2,,,22',22(2,''2!,'2222','% Tp 8 /@@ ! 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I23122'2!2,,% TXy/@@LPt !"  % TX_J/@@X Ldcomes from ,2N,'!!2N% TDK_#/@@KTLa new attitude of natural scientists who try to take lessons from nature on the way ,3,H,22,2!2,2",',,2''H22"02,2,,''22'!!2O2,2!,222,I.0!"  % TXEG /@@X9Lhow to dynamically sustain diversity of the natural world22H2302,N-,0'2'-222,!'02!2,3,2!,H2!2% TH E/@@H Lx through interactions2!22122-!,,32'% TE/@@Lh, for example,!2!,3,N2,% TTE/@@LP !"  % TPX+G /@@X+Lsymbiotic interaction between harmful insec(0N22,2,!-,222,H,F &WMFC``Z,22-!N!22',,% TH +\/@@H "Lts / vegetables / natural enemies.'2-1,,2,'2,2!,,2,N-'% T]+q/@@]Lx I try to explain the #02,32,22,!"  % TX /@@Xk:Lemergence of a new aesthetic consciousness in the project.,N, 1,3,,3!,2-H,,'2,,,22',22'2,''23,2!2,,% TT  /@@ kLP .!"  % TTXCh/@@XQLP % T\Dh/@@DQXLThe other is to concretely analyze tactile scores and an educational video clip for the =2,22,!'2,22-!,,1,2,/-,,,,',2",',32,2,22-,22,22,2,2!2!2,!"  % TTXN/@@X7LP ,% TxN/@@7L\haptica2,2,-% TTN/@@7LP ,% TP/ N/@@7+L project. In these scores and the video cli2!2,, 23,(,',2!,',222,22,2,% TT0 ~N/@@0 7,Lp we can find so many movements of art form 2H,,,2!22'2N,40N22,N,2'2!,!!3!N!"  % TTXx4/@@XLP-!% Tye 4/@@yFL painting, sculpting, brushstroking, conducting, performing and so on 2,221',22312!3'2'!2221,2223,213,!!2!N31,22'222% TTf  4/@@f LP-!% T 4/@@ L are combined. In a sense ,"-,2N22,2 2,',2(,!"  % TX} /@@XELit might be called a new form of art. I also try to explain about it.N122,,,,2,3,H"2!N2!,! ,'2"02-32,2,222% TT~  /@@~ LP ,!" Rp@Calisto MT, m?030a ` 0002 z"+$ts / vegetables / natural enemies. -,2 I+$ I try to explain the ,$+'-b2 _:+$emergence of a new aesthetic consciousness in the project.  - 2 +$ ,$+'- 2 _+$ &-2 X+$The other is to concretely analyze tactile scores and an educational video clip for the  ,$+'- 2 ?_+$-2 ?f+$haptica - 2 ?+$-L2 ?++$ project. In these scores and the video cli-M2 ?,+$p we can find so many movements of art form       ,$+'- 2 d_+$--t2 deF+$ painting, sculpting, brushstroking, conducting, performing and so on  - 2 d"+$--22 d'+$ are combined. In a sense  ,$+'-s2 _E+$it might be called a new form of art. I also try to explain about it.    - 2 +$ ,$+'@Calisto MT-- 2 _+$ -$$++$$++$$++##++##**##**##**##**##**""**""**""))""))""))""))""))!!))!!((!!((՜.+,04 hp  名古屋大学 ' @Vision and touch in the educational video for "haptica" project Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ[\]^_bRoot Entry FƬ/d1Table WordDocument7SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8XCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q