ࡱ> 241%`  bjbjNN .,,  ^``````$h   ^ ^    pf'[ ^0   "B   Woman's body in Japanese aesthetics. The transcultural approach. Krystyna Wilkoszewska The presentation is divided into two parts. In the first, more theoretical part, the idea of transculturality is examined and compared to notions that are equipped with other prefixes, such as inter- , multi- and cross-. Then some trends in contemporary aesthetics will be characterized, especially those that show openness to the art and aesthetics of non-European cultures, and in the context of transcultural aesthetics the familiar oppositions of surface/depth and aesthetic/practical will be reexamined. On the basis of transcultural studies on aesthetics the problem of womans body in the Japanese culture (before the period of the Meiji restoration) is presented in the second part. Tanizakis The Praise of Shadow shows the womans body in the relation to the surroundings of a house. Kukis famous work The Structure of Iki allows us to understand the role of the womans body and the functions of clothing in the net of interhuman relations. AWXYZ[X Y      h!ho`kOJQJ^Jho`kOJQJho`kh.h.OJQJ^Jho`k5OJQJ^JAWY[Y    $a$gdo`k $`a$gdo`k ,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No ListAWY[Y 00000000AWY[Y @0@0@0@0@0@0@0 0   $%@ 33A\  TBoM)koM)k$ZU, "F(Qt(k*AD[H^byg /UL2m<]i$PMbTm|y  iL 0 > ^S Pe q q  kQ o  / ~0 ,E zJ   K &6 YD "h p `Ca9ec'i2v>{` Odm#&H%&8X<SQW*nt!*/Okk+,:N)m$wAcIsvwyF#P i)7</ro}!g%'v*FU3G(MhckWZD pt|` p" ]/ q q!>!!h!&"""#<#V#n`#$v%$=$pj$%"%8% f%4r%}%D&$J&N&O&S&/=B/8]/v/,w/ 1s1'1/1(312-282;=2pQ2X2?3D3Q3FW3 4q4-4F/494G4+e4dv4%5(6,657p7s7a888/'8698p8v8 y8,s9:*:2:;U; g;d!<%<<=& =^>'?#?]?|?@@f*@,@@-@[@kAOA\A5jA!wAFBH{B;)CLCAWCfC3D5DCtDy!E JEGJE3QEC]E"nEEuE;FYFqF2 G]G GmGH,H`qH}zH ISJIqcIqg r 'rW-rG9rPrZr`rpirwss8t_ tStYtZtctu4uu>>utFuzKuAru<~uvv^ wGw xxt-x@xrx=yGyq[ypjy6zzd!zL/zVz{ {:{S{q{||r+|0|X?|}8}BA}F}O ~]~[_~io~ *$M%&K5I b,;:~*\Qexoc%eLkRfTVt @BdR`ZVyLe&'p` 26=C~efpx.4AJCR`osy!,PyQSjUii(7:)U/q,z#!!2F RR y1WE*H P)GJN _/`w[]#.(Ojkqp{<<9+\bdphnt>xq D!%'>q!Qf: 4Nby1_IeQ%7DvJ!SdqM|9FSHPbkyT2-D6yi,i2:K(\~-8s 7_d}ur|8s;1=T"($#2et VoO4Hm%# &>Wm7(&z'h*o4C#py"C_^(k!8)s '1GpcKEG=Jfmq.QH2HMwxU}=lDtFTa:"T+!9eoq5 5>UPhn'0 D=R`yr]rjx~-!j"EFKebx~Nu J+y"%;0byt8Ki!+v,.8Ik5:Vak c3Y^r2sR} ENN}`G4BGagj>2,TaHrQ3;Sf1'-Gaeq"&I*U<6bf%$8|$C')1-AdWf$l@BTPxyY/CO?E'T a@26D]dM'LCO0I| 55Z,<3>7?Te,.Mgc~T b5mnt#C4Fm<Py@Hq O,=h_ug5_v${1 ZM^gU=35T:+'ouFCQ{oKItuAy9 Y"/dSgB$0AJX=^2Q V8;FQX{8 A+}% $gdgo.#wx %SM-iP!*'B4H[TZ]s`jCp{/L-VAdo6~ 3,G@Ja @UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"1h)F@F!24d2HX)?o`k2#Woman's body in Japanese aestheticsblabadieblabadieOh+'0  , L X dpx$Woman's body in Japanese aesthetics blabadieNormal blabadie2Microsoft Office Word@2~@~@W՜.+,0$ hp  ý' $Woman's body in Japanese aesthetics Title  "#$%&'(*+,-./03Root Entry FP/8[5Data  1TableWordDocument.SummaryInformation(!DocumentSummaryInformation8)CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q