ࡱ> IKH'` 00bjbj$$ 22FF %"""8ZD&"4 @&&&&&&&$(h+@,&-///,&4Y&"""/&"/&""N%% OiC" f%%o&0&n%,W+!W+%%W+%<Hn"rdYHHH,&,&k"jHHH&////  CV Jinyup Kim PERSONAL Department of Aesthetics, College of Humanities, Seoul National University e-mail: jinyupk@snu.ac.kr UNIVERSITY EDUCATION AND DEGREES 1982-86 B.A. in Philosophy at Seoul National University in Korea. 1988-91 M.A. in Aesthetics at Seoul National University in Korea. M.A. Thesis Title: "The Function of Cognition and Truth in Metaphor" 1991-95 D.Phil. in Philosophy at Temple University. Dissertation Title: "Contemporary Theories of Interpretation" Supervised by Richard Shusterman 1996-1997 Post-Doctor in Aesthetics at Seoul National University in Korea. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 1997-99: Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Cultural Studies, Temple University 2000-2006: Assistant Professor at Hongik University, Rep. of Korea 2006- Present: Associate Professor at Seoul National University, Rep. of Korea ACADEMIC AWARDS Korea Research Foundation Fellowship, 1996-1997 MEMBERSHIP Member of Korean Society for Aesthetics Member of Korean Society for Contemporary Visual Art Member of Korean Society for Art History ARTICLES 1. Theories of Interpretation in Gadamer and Pragmatism: Beyond Foundationalism and Scepticism," Korean Aesthetic Studies 2 (1996). 2. The Sceptical Theories of Interpretation: Barthes, Derrida and Miller," Korean Journal of Aesthetics 21 (1996). 3. On Hume's Standard of Taste," Korean Journal of Aesthetics 22 (1997). 4. Foundationalist Theories of Interpretation: Intentionalism and Formalism," The Journal of Humanities 37 (1997). 5. Contemporary Anglo-American Aesthetics (1)," Korean Journal of Aesthetics 25 (1998). 6. Inwards a Newer Laocoon: Of the Art Criticism of Greenberg," Korean Journal of Aesthetics 26 (1999). 7. "Art Education and Aesthetics," Korean Journal of Aesthetics 27 (1999). 8. "Art Education and Postmodernism," Art Education 9 (1999). 9. Grace: Aesthetic Concept of Mannerism," Korean Journal of Aesthetics 29 (2000). 10. John Dewey's Theory of Art Criticism, Studies of Plastic Arts 2 (2000). 11. Aesthetic Experience, Journal of Art Education 11 (2001). 12. The Concept of Unity in Aristotle and Hua-yen Buddhism," Korean Journal of Aesthetics 31 (2001). 13. Minimalism, Korean Journal of Aesthetics 32 (2002). 14. What is Art?: Answers of Contemporary Anglo-American Aesthetics, Journal of Aesthetics and Art 16 (2002). 15. What is Art?: Answers of Evolutionary Psychology Korean Journal of Aesthetics 36 (2003). 16. Aesthetic Issue of Digital Art: Interactivity, Studies of Contemporary Art (2004). 17. Aesthetic Criticism of Virtual Reality Art, Journal of Aesthetics and Art 22 (2005). 18. Toward a Pluralist Aesthetics, Studies of Contemporary Art (2006). 19. Artificial Life and Art, The Journal of Humanities (2007). 20. Pragmatism and Art, Philosophy and Culture (2008). 21. Freud's Leonardo," The Journal of Humanities (2010). 22. Wound and Healing," Aesthetics and Its Denotation (2010). BOOKS Seven Answers of Art, Book World (2007). TRANSLATIONS Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art by Richard Shusterman, |ȹҘ Y: D ǔ Dń, t  . Seoul: Yejun, 2002. Korean translation of the 2nd ed with special Korean preface. 2nd Korean Edition. Seoul: Book Korea Publishers, 2009. (Revised with a new preface.)     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